Pulling Back the Curtain Just For You…
“The Email Marketing Secrets That Took Me Out of the Rat Race and Led Me to Financial Freedom”
From the Desk of Daniel Hall:
I am so excited to be showing you this today because this one skill has given me financial freedom and success that I NEVER experienced before.You’ve probably heard the phrase “the money is in the list” right?Unfortunately that statement (so often quoted) is WRONG.In fact I’m going to give you (arguably) the best advice you will ever hear when it comes to email marketing…Ready?
“The Money is in the Relationship You Have With Your List.”
Have a bad relationship? Get ready for nasty emails, low or no sales and lots of refunds on the sales you do make and even more frustration.
Have a great relationship with your list? A whole new world opens up were people like you, respect you and act on your recommendations.
By the way here’s what a good relationship looks like…

Of course to reach this point you have to consider things such as…
- How to get people on your list to begin with?
- How to get people to open your emails? (MOST IMPORTANT!)
- What should you write in your emails?
- How to get your subscribers to click the links in your emails?
- How to properly format them.
- How long should your emails be?
Fact is, I’ve written bunches of emails and eventually I got good at it…
How good? Well here’s what some of my peers have said…
“Most online entrepreneurs fail to understand the 3 most important goals of an email.
Goal 1: Get your email opened with a great subject line.
Goal 2: Get your email read with great copy.
Goal 3: Get your email acted upon by clicking on a link.
Daniel Hall gets and excels at all 3 of these email marketing goals and more. In fact, when he recently promoted and hosted one of my webinars, the copy was so good I asked him if I could borrow it.
Listen to and model this man.”
Jeff Herring, – http://jeffherring.com/
“ Whenever Daniel sends out an email about my courses, the sales explode! Other affiliates will send out emails about the same courses, but Daniel’s results far exceed all the others.
Your emails can make you more money than most jobs. Daniel has sent out thousands and knows what works and doesn’t work.
He’s got the Midas touch that he’s now sharing with you. He’s a master at this—the best of the best! This course will more than pay for itself. It’s a game changer. Daniel’s email course delivers!”
Elaine Wilkes, yourbookontheipad.com
That’s why I’m so happy to be introducing to you…
Real Fast Email Marketing
Real Fast Email Marketing is the result of years of trial and error, reading lots of products and talking with some of the best email marketers on the planet and now
you’re going to have everything I have discovered shown to you.
And I’m talking about rubber meets the road kind of stuff, like…
– How to write subject lines that people LOVE to click. (I share my absolute best email subject lines that made my jaw drop when I saw how many people opened them)
– The lead magnets you must have to build a profitable relationship with your customers on Day 1.
– A downloadable template of the formatting I use inside my emails that drive click thru rates through the roof.
– What kind of content you should put in your emails (Do this wrong and watch people unsubscribe so fast it’ll make your head spin!)
– The 5 point checklist that you MUST complete for every lead magnet your create.
– 6 different types of lead magnets that will add people to your list day in and day out.
– The ratio of content to offer emails that you should have if you want to make it in email marketing.
– The 1 thing I did that added over 1500 people a month to my list for 2 years.
– How to take the mistakes in your email and turn them to your advantage.
– Why you shouldn’t be afraid to kick people off of your list.
– The 3 factors that will determine whether people will click on your email.
Make no mistake about it, this is powerful stuff.
But understand your email marketing success depends on the relationship you have with your list.
And Real Fast Email Marketing will show you how to do it the right way from day 1.
Now I want you to know that I stand by everything I do and say in Real Fast Email Marketing which is why I’m offering you my personal guarantee…
“If You’re Not 100% Satisfied With Real Fast Email Marketing You Have 30 Days to Return it for a Full Refund. No Questions Asked.”
Get this training now by clicking the “add to cart” button below and I’ll see you on the inside.